inca culture

The Incas And The Shamans

The Peruvian Shamans coming from Inca Times has more to say in these times of changes The Inca Culture or Tahuantinsuyo was one of the most important pre-Columbian cultures in America and the most important in South America. Just like the Mayans in Mexico, a sophisticated culture developed in Peru with many technological advances for […]

Social Project

Our ancestors the Incas taught us to live in Ayni what was the Ayni?, it was to live in relationship and reciprocity with everything that surrounds us, with the nature that surrounds us, with the air that gives us breath, with the water that it gives life and with the light that shelters us, otherwise […]


THE BENEFITS FROM WORKING WITH ENERGY MEDICINE PLANTS? According to the last researches, it has several potential health benefits, especially for brain health, emotional well-being, and spiritual growth. However, more studies are necessary to confirm these findings. BRAIN HEALTH Both DMT and beta-carbolines, the main psychoactive ingredients in ayahuasca, may protect and restore parts of […]


The Peruvian use of  ayahuasca is one of the cultural legacies kept by the local Jungle communities, various peoples of the Amazon have used this concoction for centuries with different purposes, and for centuries the different indigenous peoples of the Amazon rainforest have protected the knowledge of the medicinal use of jungle plants. Ayahuasca is […]

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