There will be time to walk in the path of ourselves, The new solar age is bringing times of change not only physically but spiritually, it is bringing time to awaken consciousness with love for our earth, which hides the key to live in balance with the entire cosmos, each of us has the power to heal, connect and remember that we are part of the cosmos and that our strength emanates from there.

Maestro Claudio Quispe

We are the community from QEROS and the ones located far from the Cusco city have preserved the authentic way of living, traditions and the Spirituality knowledge, we call ourselves as the Last Inca heirs because we did not have any contact with people outside from our community after 1950. That is why we still preserve the authentic healing techniques, the respect for Pachamama ( Mother Earth) the blessings of the Apus ( Sacred mountains) and the contact with the Inti ( Sun ) and Mama Killa (Mother Moon) This is the last Inca community that has preserved the legacy of shamanic arts and the energy healing  como walk with us to find your own power.


The Online Shaman School is aimed at all those people who want to learn about ancestral spiritual knowledge as well as healing techniques, knowledge that has been inherited from generation to generation, If you do not have time to come to Peru but want to learn shamanic techniques for your self-knowledge, healing, spiritual growth, being a medicine man or woman, spiritual coach, or simply learning a new healing technique then this program is for you. We launch our Program every 3  months,  Be part of our community and make your spirit fly with the Grandparents who will guide you to discover your path, empower yourself and discover the path of healing.

All sessions are virtual live where the Pampamesayoqs Masters from the same Qeros community will be the ones who teach us step by step all the ancestral knowledge, ¡come awaken the Shaman within you!


For our grandparents, the Great Serpent  symbolizes transformation, it is the transformation of earthly life to reach conscious life, the snake lives in the Ukhu Pacha, the world below where we learn to live with darkness to reach our luminosity, at this level we will give an introduction towards the ancestral Inca knowledge from the hand of the Pampamesayoqs Qeros, here we will learn why and how? We will analyze the different stages to later learn from love with the MUNAY, First initiation is included:


For our grandparents the Puma symbolizes strength, it is the spiritual guide that emerges from the darkness and faces all our fears, sadness and wounds, he comes from Kay Pacha, the world where we live, here we will learn to walk in balance, to calm our doubts and to face ourselves to continue with our path here we will learn and practice under the Pampamesayoqs Shamans supervisions, here we will become stronger in spirit because we will connect Heart and Mind as one, 2nd Llankay Karpay second Intitation.


For our grandparents, the Condor or KUNTUR symbolizes purity, it is said that it is the largest flying bird that can fly, there is no other with great spirit or purity, the Condor comes from the Hanaq Pacha, the world above where we are more connected with the essence and energy. of our grandparents, close to the stars, the spirit of the mountains likewise we walk under the mantle of Mother Earth with bare feet to be able to unite with her, we are free from our past, our fears, we have already healed, now we are strong and our next step is to fly, full of knowledge we will dance around the fire that brings harmony in our lives.

Last KARPAY or initiation needs to be in person no matter if it will be in 1 or 2 or 3 years, but we must do it just like our grandparents did, You will be  present to the sacred mountains to the Apus and obtain your

Remember that here we honor the Ancestral Knowledge and all our teachings are unique and authentic that comes from generation to generation and this last Level it is important to complete your Trainning so you can call yourself a Pampamesayoq Shaman, This decision has to be done with the Heart.

ABOUT US Peru Shamans


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