Peru Shamans a Healing center & Shaman School The First Andean Shaman School lead by Authentic Local Shamans, get to know the authentic ancient knowledge of the Incas told by his own heirs of the secret wisdom of the Incas. Be part of the great liniege from Benito Qorihuaman or Andres Espinoza or that powerful master who spoke with the mountains Mariano Apaza, masters who brought their wisdom to many regions of the world. You will work on the hand of the grandchildren of this Altomesayoqs and Pampamesayoqs Shamans that are following the great Pachakuti legends that says that we are in time of transformation, time to share and spread their knowledge to world.

The Inca Shaman School training program is a path to know and accept your ownself to bring compassion, love and healing you will need to pass on your own darkness to find your own light the  Andean Pampamesayoqs Shamans will hold you and guide you through this proccess

If you have all these questions and you do not know where are the answers:

Do you know what is the Inca Shamanism?

Are you looking to learn an Authentic ancient knowledge?

Are you looking for healing for yourself?

Do you feel the need for a new path through life?

Are you looking for ways to expand your consciousness?

Do you want to learn something  spiritual new?

Want to expand your sense of who you are and awake your inner powers?

Want to explore how a shamanic approach to healing can help you with a particular issue?

Already a therapist looking to deepen your practice by learning powerful new healing tools?

The Inca Shaman School program training is for you.

Come to awake your inner powers to walk the spiritual path to heal and support the Cosmos! Walk along with us with the heart in the Pachamama.

Every aspect of our work invites you to feel more alive, more connected, more at home in your body; Lets  more confident and at ease in your mind and in your heart. Our Energy Medicine Shaman School is the most in-depth and versatile training available. Come and enrich your professional practice and your personal life.

The Inca Shaman School program is divided in two: As we are in time of changes, we have prepared individual and groups Programs and workshops, You can do in-prescence twice a year or you can do Online 3 times in year we start every 3 months while our online Inca Shaman Trainning are available for  2023

Everyone is welcome to all our events – no previous experience is requiered, just a willingness to discover and learn some new skills that will enhance your life and open your Spiritual Path. At the end of each Program you will  recieved a  Certification.


A introduction to the Inka spiritual world, learn about the spiritual world of the Andes, the treasure of the Incas the meaning of the Pachamama (mother earth), experience the truth love the “Munay” and the reciprocity the “AYNI” laws coming from Inca times spreading in our culture and rules to live our spirit in balance reaching the connection or the “TINKUY” to become beings of light, to start your path as a shaman this is the beginning.

This is a journey where you will know yourself and empowering your skills to help others, we are part of one cosmos of full energy and here you will learn the energizing techniques to open your heart and awake your inner power.


This first week we will learn from the Andean Cosmovision, the type of energies in the Kausay, energies that we can use to heal and help others, we will learn from the energetic cleansing techniques as well as two healing techniques, in this week of cultural immersion we will receive three of the transmissions or rites of Munakuy ( Pleiades QANCHIS CHASKA rite, HUMMING BIRD and JAGUAR rite  receive two Initiations just as our ancestors and ancestors did, always in contact with nature, we will walk and visit beautiful Inca temples full of pure energy and in this way open our hearts and contact ourselves. We will receive One of the 3 initiations or KARPAYS as our ancestor did, the MUNAY KARPAY the love initiation,


This second week will be taken after a year of practice everything you have learned from the first week, you will have this time to get to know each other and practice on your person or when you are ready with other people, this time will be very silent and challenge fighting with what you were taught and what you are used to and then become stronger and believe in yourself and in your own being. as well as your own power, after a year or so you can come back and keep continue, this week will be for more practice, you will learn to work the Inca soul Retrival, you will receive your last initiations the YACHAY and LLANKAY initiation,   time to share to give initiation, and the last Munakuy rites like the CONDOR rite and SERPENT rite.

After this 2 weeks you will have a fire ceremony and we will give you a certification as a INCA PAQO or ÑUSTA PAQO a Medecine Men or Woman in the INCA SHAMANIC ART  , this will be accordingly to your Master.


















SERPENT GROUP                                     JUL  22ND – 26TH, 2024




JUL 22ND – 26TH, 2024



SEPTEMBER 16TH -21TH, 2024


Become a  Shamanic Healer


Our program is aimed at all those people who want to learn about ancestral spiritual knowledge as well as healing techniques, knowledge that has been inherited from generation to generation, If you do not  time to come to Peru but want to learn shamanic techniques for your self-knowledge, healing, spiritual growth, being a medicine man or woman, spiritual coach, or simply learning a new healing technique then this program is for you. We launch our Program every  6 months 3 times a year, Be part of our community and make your spirit fly with the Grandparents who will guide you to discover your path, empower yourself and discover the path of healing.

All sessions are virtual live where the Pampamesayoqs Masters from the same Qeros community will be the ones who teach us step by step all the ancestral knowledge, ¡come awaken the Shaman within you!



For our grandparents, the Great Serpent  symbolizes transformation, it is the transformation of earthly life to reach conscious life, the snake lives in the Ukhu Pacha, the world below where we learn to live with darkness to reach our luminosity, at this level we will give an introduction towards the ancestral Inca knowledge from the hand of the Pampamesayoqs Qeros, here we will learn why and how? We will analyze the different stages to later learn from love with the MUNAY, First initiation is included:

  • COCA KAWAQ : Oracle leaf reading
  • KAWSAY PACHA: A world of living energy ,  the KALLPA ( different energies )
  • WHAT IS A PAQO: The Path of a medicine Men
  • CLEANSING RITES: Rites and Tools for energy cleansing
  • THE MESA: Protection rites
  • THE CHAKANA: the energy of the 4 Directions



For our grandparents the Puma symbolizes strength, it is the spiritual guide that emerges from the darkness and faces all our fears, sadness and wounds, he comes from Kay Pacha, the world where we live, here we will learn to walk in balance, to calm our doubts and to face ourselves to continue with our path here we will learn and practice under the Pampamesayoqs Shamans supervisions, here we will become stronger in spirit because we will connect Heart and Mind as one, 2nd Llankay Karpay second Intitation:

  • CHUMPI HEALING TECHNIQUE:  The Healing with 7 Spiritual Powers
  • HAYWARIKUY TECHNIQUE: The world of the Despachos, connect with the Cosmos
  • ANIMO WAHANA: Soul Retrival
  • RAINBOW CEREMONY: Awake your inner Power, connect with the 7 Ñustas femenine energy
  • YACHAY KARPAY: 2nd Initiation of Kowledge



For our grandparents, the Condor or KUNTUR symbolizes purity, it is said that it is the largest flying bird that can fly, there is no other with great spirit or purity, the Condor comes from the Hanaq Pacha, the world above where we are more connected with the essence and energy. of our grandparents, close to the stars, the spirit of the mountains likewise we walk under the mantle of Mother Earth with bare feet to be able to unite with her, we are free from our past, our fears, we have already healed, now we are strong and our next step is to fly, full of knowledge we will dance around the fire that Harmonia brings in our lives.

This Condor Path – Pampamesayoqs Liniege , on the advice of the Masters, has to be done in person, no matter if it will be in 1 or 2 or 3 years, but we must do it just like our grandparents did, You will be  present to the sacred mountains to the Apus and obtain your last KARPAY or initiation.

Remember that here we honor the Ancestral Knowledge and all our teachings are unique and authentic that comes from generation to generation and this last Level it is important to complete your Trainning so you can call yourself a Pampamesayoq Shaman, This desicion has to be done with the Heart.

ABOUT US Peru Shamans


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