According to the last researches, it has several potential health benefits, especially for brain health, emotional well-being, and spiritual growth. However, more studies are necessary to confirm these findings.


Both DMT and beta-carbolines, the main psychoactive ingredients in ayahuasca, may protect and restore parts of the brain. ResearchTrusted Source indicates that ingesting DMT can lead to a higher production of antistress and antioxidant proteins.

The findings of a 2017 study trusted Source in mice suggest that harmine, the primary beta-carboline in ayahuasca, may have neuroprotective and cognitive-enhancing effects because it reduces inflammation and oxidative stress. However, there is a need for studies to confirm these results in humans.

This research also links harmine with increased levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a protein that aids the survival of nerve cells, or neurons, and plays a role in maintaining connections between them.

Laboratory researchTrusted Source reports that harmine and other substances in B. caapi stimulate adult neurogenesis, the generation of neurons.


 According to some studies, ayahuasca may increase a person’s ability to be in a mindful state. A small study trusted Source demonstrated that taking ayahuasca once a week for 4 weeks proved as effective as an 8-week mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) course, in terms of increasing a person’s “acceptance.”

In this case, acceptance refers to nonjudgmental attitudes and behaviors, which the researchers measured using a “mindfulness score.” However, the researchers advise that more studies with larger sample sizes are necessary to confirm these findings. Other studiesTrusted Source also supports the use of ayahuasca to improve mindfulness.


 A 2018 study trusted Source that involved people who took part in ayahuasca ceremonies found that ratings of depression and stress significantly decreased following the ceremony.

These lower levels of depression persisted for 4 weeks after the ceremony. Other research trusted Source supports this evidence, suggesting that a single dose of ayahuasca may produce a rapid antidepressant effect in people with treatment-resistant depression. This antidepressant effect persists for several weeks.


Ayahuasca may also help treat anxiety and mood disorders, according to a review trusted Source of six studies.

Ayahuasca improves the regulation of mood and emotions, and it could also reduce stress and depression. According to one study, the AYAHUASCA te preparations demonstrate antidepressant activity, possibly due to the presence of harmine and other substances that contribute to neurogenesis. Neurogenesis is the production of neurons.


 A 2018 study suggests that ayahuasca may be beneficial for people with PTSD. It helps with the retrieval of repressed memories, which paves the way for the brain to reprogram or extinguish the associated fear response. Then people can feel free without fear and judge.


Ayahuasca is also beneficial for people with substance use disorders, according to several studies but people needs to go under a pre detox first before drink the Ayahuasca Te, we have reports that people with addictions problems needs to work first with KAMBO a detox ceremony to have 100% benefits from the Ayahuasca plant.

A small study trusted Source involving 12 people with psychological and behavioral issues arising from substance misuse took part in two Ayahuasca ceremonies as part of a 4-day treatment program.

After 6 months, the participants continued to report positive and lasting changes. They also showed improvements in their overall quality-of-life scores, mindfulness, and sense of empowerment and hope.

Supporting this idea, further evidence rested Source also suggests that there are beneficial effects of ayahuasca for those with tobacco and alcohol dependence. Nonetheless, the reviewers call for further research into this area.


 2019 study trusted Source suggests that lifetime psychedelic use can lower levels of suicidal ideation. The study reports that ayahuasca shows promise as a form of treatment for a wide range of mental health issues that may contribute to suicidal ideation.


  • You will feel more clear
  • You will be more be grounded
  • Some people feel calm or energized. You may also feel tired.

You may experience sensations in the body such as heat or tingling. Some people report seeing visualizations such as colors or pictures, or having memories appear. Try to allow whatever arises to pass without attaching too much meaning to it. Your experiences may become deeper the more you continue with the ceremonies

You feel an absence of any rush to get anywhere. You feel at peace with your inner self, wherever you are at that moment.

Through Energy Healing, the universe is trying to help you get rid of any problems that might be troubling you. You may even feel like crying. It all depends on what you were seeking from Energy Healing, and by extension, from the universe. There are so many benefits of this Energy Healing. Here are some of the most compelling ones.

  • Energy Healing Helps You Feel Healthier
  • This Healing Helps You Magnetize Abundance
  • This Healing Helps You Get in Touch With the Spiritual Side
  • You feel at peace with your inner self, wherever you are at that moment.

Through Energy Healing, the universe is trying to help you get rid of any problems that might be troubling you. You may even feel like crying. It all depends on what you were seeking from Energy Healing, and by extension, from the universe.

It helps you cleanse your karma. The blockages can be removed by the Andean Shaman. The Water will channel the energy of the universe through you to cleanse you of the bad karma surrounding you.

Energy Healing Helps You Feel Healthier


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