The Healing and Therapeutic Process with Ayahuasca

Want to experience personal growth, or expand your consciousness, or look for psychological healing, ayahuasca could be your tool for deep healing. It could help you to dissolve the wall between yourself and the world. With so much happening around you. The process of healing with Ayahuasca exposes the wide gap between who you are and who you think you are. For many, who have undergone the process, the gap had been immense, the pain one goes through of seeing it for the first time could be practically unbearable.

What is it?

Ayahuasca is a popular medicinal plant. It is a tea, a South American brew that has hallucinogenic properties. The properties come from DMT which is a compound produced in certain plants. It is this DMT that is allowed by the Ayahuasca vine to pass the barrier of the blood-brain.

The healing boom with Ayahuasca

From the fringes of South America, this psychological medicine has been slowly and steadily working its way into the mainstream. You can find the ceremonies getting popular in the United States and Europe. For thousands of years, the indigenous group of Peru and Colombia had been brewing the concoction of Ayahuasca for deep healing. The concoction is used as medicine, mostly for spiritual or religious purposes that help you to reconnect with nature, healing your internal wounds. A group gathers for few days or maybe even stretched to few weeks depending on the healing process. The program or ceremony or retreat combines therapeutic and religious elements, even sometimes mixing the western theory and styles of psychotherapy with the traditional ayahuasca shamanism. But this group that comes together for the ceremony usually does not stay in touch afterward.

As a socio-psychological bridge

When experiencing Ayahuasca deep healing process, participants experience various emotions and psychological aspects such as a sense of connection, experiencing visual imagery, insights, emotional feeling, awe, and reverence, getting the feeling of the sense of God, or something higher than that, reviewing some past events, or reliving trauma that has embedded in the unconsciousness mind. In the healing process, individuals have been known to communicate with spirits and other beings, experiencing any demonic forces, or relieving experiences of death or near death. All this and more, and finally falling into a strong sense of peace and calmness. Everything that happens is in a trance mood, but you are aware of it. This type of healing process reveals that Ayahuasca ceremony has relational elements which are amalgamated with a participatory approach.

In some indigenous shamanic traditions, the process of healing is done through the relational act of singing, which induces emotional, social, and interpersonal processes.

Many, many years ago

The use of Ayahuasca has been there for quite a long time. But it was only in 1908 that Western scientists acknowledge its value as a healing process. Richard Spruce was the first to study the vines and leaves, classifying them and what made the magic brew. Also, understanding and deciphering its role in Amazonian culture.

Then again with the counter culture movement, Ayahuasca emerged in the 1960s. Beat writers and scientists all went on to research and experience the drug firsthand. This brought this healing drug into Western culture, though not popularized.

As, of now with so much happening around, people are inclining towards this deep healing process and these simple concoction is having a bit of a moment.

Ayahuasca is a seven-hour experience and is called psychedelic

The experience you have with Ayahuasca deep healing is a lot more metaphysical. It is a lot deeper, stronger, and less predictable. And the entire process is not easy to articulate. And this process of deep healing has been used for quite a long time.

Traditionally, it was the Shamans, you used to drink Ayahuasca to diagnose the problem as well as the disease inhibiting in people of their tribes, and not the individual drinking it. The shamans could see in the spiritual realm and would help the individual heal, with potions, songs, and medicines. As of late, most people experience this by taking in the concoction themselves, and a ceremony is conducted. The concoction along with the ceremony is essential and integral to the experience. It is known to activate memories that are in the unconscious mind, in ways making individuals come to the new understanding that happened in past. Sometimes, also helps in working out the traumatic events of their past.

People reaching out to deep healing

Over the last 25 years, Ayahuasca deep healing has gone global. With many trying to learn about it, drinking it, experiencing their inner self. But then, it has to be carried out in the presence of Shamans. The role they play is as important as drinking this concoction. Because the use of Ayahuasca is confusing, dangerous, and quite frightening.  Here is where the Shamans help. They use a type of magic to heal, communicate with plants, animals, spirits, and other worlds, and even foresee future events. Shamans help others with their journey by preparing the individual through a strict diet, purging, and various other rituals. When you get into the actual ceremony, the Shamans use the right location and preparation of the site, which makes it critical to the quality of the experience. It is your inner self and that is within it that an individual must overcome to attain knowledge and thus gradually heal.


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