The mountains for the Andean Shamans are sacred spirits and protectors we called them Apus, they are sacred beings with full energy light energy connected to the whole world and they provide power to the new Shamans in the Andes, it says that to be initiated in the spirituality one need to be with their Master and climb one big mountain and makes the respect offering for the Apu.
Around the Cusco city we have 7 main protectors and the two big ones to the North the Salkantay mountain (the Wild mountain) over 6,000 feet above sea level and to the South the Ausangate mountain ( where the big bright star bright) over 6,500 feet above sea level .
This program was made for those people that wants to work with the energy of a special Apu, we called Apu Healing because you will work just with the energy of the Hanaq Pacha ( Upper World) this program is special for those people who works with the energy field already like Healers, Yoga masters, Reiki Teachers, Shamans, Mediums, Tarot Reading, etc. We all know that when working with energy and helping other can be exhausted sometimes we are dealing with too much Hucha (Heavy energy or negativities) and we need to do a cleansing and asking power to the Mountain as the Andean Shamans do so then we can go back and continue with paths.
All our ceremonies are very exclusive private less than four people in the ceremony because that is the way the Shamans works.
This is a daily program you can choose any date.
$ 200.00 USD
Our retreats are 100% personalized that is why we have limited spots per dates check the availability with us!