Ayahuasca Retreats
Peru ShamansThe Ayahuasca is a medicine plant for mind, body and spirit it connects you within yourself to have a spiritual growth, mindfullness it heal depression, anxiety, sadness and take you to a different level of counciousness so one can see the problems in a different way, it teachs you one can arrive to a self exploration to understand better our misson in life, it gives you a better insight of oneself.
The Ayahuasca session is a deep spiritual Journey with very vivid visions where it will take you to different stages of your life to understand better, to heal and grow, for the Jungle Shamans this medicine plant has it is own consciousness that is represent by a femenine energy that is why they will call the Grand Mother, the Doctor, The Teacher, etc and if one do the session will experience this, you can talk with her ask questions and see the answers, usually she will take to places you have been before and understand better your today life, it will also take out all your darkeness things that you only hide from everyone to heal and embrace what you are, that is why is very important to do with Auathentic Shamans because during this proccess of healing he can show you the path and take you to the light.
The session itself last around 4 to 5 hours but one will see maybe all your life in this short amount of time giving you different message to accept you, accept what you are and empower what you want to become.
The Ayahuasca session is a deep spiritual Journey with very vivid visions where it will take you to different stages of your life to understand better, to heal and grow, for the Jungle Shamans this medicine plant has it is own consciousness that is represent by a femenine energy that is why they will call the Grand Mother, the Doctor, The Teacher, etc and if one do the session will experience this, you can talk with her ask questions and see the answers, usually she will take to places you have been before and understand better your today life, it will also take out all your darkeness things that you only hide from everyone to heal and embrace what you are, that is why is very important to do with Auathentic Shamans because during this proccess of healing he can show you the path and take you to the light.
The session itself last around 4 to 5 hours but one will see maybe all your life in this short amount of time giving you different message to accept you, accept what you are and empower what you want to become.
Personalized Retreats
Peru Shamans offers EXCLUSIVE personalized retreats where one can go deeper and heal in a better way, The Shamans are Spiritual guides it is very important to go under the guidance of Shamans because this will be a unique and important experience of your life, we prefer to do private ceremonies with no more than 4 people per ceremony because it is very important your safety before, during and after the ceremony and also there is less distraction so one can focus and go even deeper in the experience and healing.

San Pedro & Sound Healing
1 Day ceremony, This is a sacred plant that can be a very powerfull medicine and calm, it is not a visionary plant it connects you with the energy of the Sun that is why you have to do it …
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5 Days Ayahuasca Machupicchu
5 Days Retreat, where you will inmerse yourself in the Ayahuasca medicine sacred plant guided by Authentic Ayahuasca local shamans who will guide through this spiritual journey for body, mind ...
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4 Days Ayahuasca
4 Days Ayahuasca Retreat, offers a deep healing with Ayahuasca plant medicine and it complement the healing with the San Pedro medicine plant, a perfect combination for a those who ...
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3 Días Ayahuasca
A 3 Days Ayahuasca retreat, well recommend by the Shamans because it includes 2 Ayahuasca sessions in a row that gives you a better way to work mentally, spiritually and physically ...
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2 Days Ayahuasca
Embark on a transformative journey of healing and spiritual growth with our immersive 2-Day Ayahuasca Retreat. Through the synergistic power of Ayahuasca and San Pedro medicine ...
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1 Day Ayahuasca
One day retreat it is a perfect choice for those who would like to immerse in the spiritual world of Peru and experience the meeting with this sacred plant ...
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