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The Shamans

Peru Shamans

The Qero Paqos

From the stars, where our grandfathers and grandmothers are, to the depths of the seas, those who connect us with the energy of Mama Serena and the Inca Huascar, from there we were born, we are children of Pachamama, Mother Earth, and that is why we are blessed by that, we have the ability to connect with everything that surrounds us, the great Altomisayoq's Masters, our legacies, the Incas guided us along the path of light to continue lighting and guiding the path of all, we have not forgotten the Munay the Love nor the Yachay the Wisdom.
       Claudio Apaza  -  Pampamesayoq  - Qero community

The Hatun Qeros - Qeros community

The keepers of the ancient knowledge are the Shamans from the Qero community, this community is located In the High Andes near the Apus the Spirit of the mountains, where the Sky kisses with the earth, where the man walk with the Puma and his mind flies as the Condor does, a place where the cosmic knowledge still alive in their people.The Qeros community is a high Andean tribe with 5 Ayllus ( 5 Linieges the Hatun Qeros Ayllu, the Quico Ayllu, Markachia Ayllu , Qochamoqo Ayllu and Chua Chua Ayllu) we have preserved the authentic way of living, traditions and the Spirituality knowledge, we call ourselves as the Last Inca inheirs because we did not have any contact with people outside of our community after 1950. That is why we still preserve the authentic healing techniques, the respect for Pachamama ( Mother Earth) the blessings of the Apus ( Sacred mountains) and the contact with the Inti ( Sun ) and Mama Killa (Mother

In the whole Qero Nation we have the most respected Paqos, shamans Medecine man and women with different families like:

The Quispe Lineage - Descendant Of The Crystals Path

The Quispe lineage is said to come from the Alto Mesayoqs, those who had direct communication with the guardians, Mother Earth, the sun and the moon. They still preserve the initiation rites "the Karpays", their ancient wisdom and are experts in healing, energy cleansing. Their very name announces to us that those who shine are descendants of light like crystal.

The Apaza Lineage - Descendant Of The Chumpy Paqos

The Apaza lineage also comes from the Alto Mesayoqs, they have passed their wisdom from generation to generation and are known as Chumpy Paqos for their knowledge and connection with sacred animal spirits such as the Puma, the Condor, the Hummingbird, etc. They preserve the way how we can communicate with the Kuychy, they are Mesa carriers.

The Tika Lineage - Descendant Of The Light Energy Path

The lineage of the TIKA or Flores comes from the time of the Incas, their name reveals admiration and purification, they are those who had a deep connection with pure energy, known as Samy, they can work with the different Apus or Spirit of the Mountains, they are Mesa carriers, working as healers with the "Mesa". They have a special connection with the Hanaq Pacha energy.

The Machacaq Lineage - Descendant Of The Great Serpent Lineage

The lineage of the Machaq comes from the Altomesayoqs, it is said that they could go to the Ukhu Pacha to regenerate energy, they also work with the "Mesa" or Power Bundle and have a special connection with the world below the Ukhu Pacha like the snake and toads, they are experts in cleansing and healing rites, always honoring the Mama Sirena or the Mother Marmaid the energy of the Ukhu Pacha.

The Ayahuasca Onayas or Shamans

The Ayahuasca Masters are the most respected in the Peruvian jungle. They also come from a generation and lineage of shamans. To become Masters, they have had to follow a strict diet from a very young age. They have not only learned from the medicinal plant of Ayahuasca but from other medicinal plants . The grandparents are the ones who have guided and taught them, learning from medicinal trees and medicinal plants to become well-experienced Medicine teachers. We called them Onayas in their native language, they come from the Native communities in the Jungle.
It is time of transformation, heard the call of the Apus (Mountain Gods), learn from the powerful spiritual temples, let your spirit fly along with the Inca inheirs to empower, heal and cleanse your energy. We have a shaman school project too leading by the same people where with the different workshops you will learn about the Andean shaman wisdom to awake your inner conscious to the magical spirit path and become a shaman too.

Our ancestors the Incas taught us to live in Ayni what was the Ayni?, it was to live in relationship and reciprocity with everything that surrounds us, with the nature that surrounds us, with the air that gives us breath, with the water that it gives life and with the light that shelters us, otherwise we do not live in balance with ourselves or the world that surrounds us then we will live in chaos, and if chaos begins it destroys everything around us, so continuing with this teaching of our ancestors Peru Shamans works in community, collectively, with all beings that are part of our community.\r\nWe lead and support our social project dedicated to all the families of the Andean Teachers who work with us. We are more than 20 families who benefit from the programs that we offer every day on our website

Danilo Apaza

Ismael Ochavano

Miguel Ochavano

best ayahuasca retreat peru

Agustin Machaca

Justino Apaza

Alejandro Apaza




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