Energy Healing, Pampamesayoq Inca Shaman

Mountain Healing Ritual to Help You Let Go and Heal

A retreat to the natural surroundings and amid the mountains with their unpredictability, massiveness, and stunning views of the surroundings. Away from the maddening crowd. All this is a way of life, overcoming stress, difficulties, and various problems. Many who are aware of the Shaman way of healing are turning towards this ancient way of healing that they later incorporate in their way of life. The healing process is done by connecting to spirits and bringing in the energies of nature to heal you. In this entire process what happens is that your emotional and energy blocks that have been stored for a long time are healed, and breaking down the belief systems.

What happens is that the ego that you have nurtured for so long is healed, thus restoring your power.  When you talk about healing, you are generally of the concept that only the physical body will be undergoing the process of healing. But then your body is just a small percentage. The entire you are a composition of your body, spirit, and emotions. According to shamanism, the ego of a person holds the narrative frequencies. This ego affects your belief system, which is a disembodied spirit. It is, for this reason, it can find its way towards the light. It is this ego that makes you work, according to what you think. This overall encompasses your belief system, around which your life revolves.

Importance of Shamans in the Healing Massage

The mountain healing ceremony is conducted by a shaman. Though the shamans have to be the spiritual heir it is not always about bloodlines. It is more than that. It is a calling from nature, only then you can be true shamanism. Shamans require extreme, and prolonged rites of passage. It is like a journey where the shamans discover love. This love is discovered through life and human nature, with nature helping you to heal. A devotion to your existing lifestyle that works on enhancing the development of inner and outer personality.

As stated earlier becoming shamanism is not having in blood. You just don’t learn it or acquire the practices from another shamanism. To be a shaman you must be able to hear those voices that others can’t- of the ancestors, the ancients, and the ones who walked before us. No expectation or indulging in being prejudiced. You need to hold the truth for who they are. It is almost similar to being a mud- one that can transform themselves into nothingness, being pliable, and accepting everything without complaint. Hence, the healing process is done by a shaman for he is the bridge between the human world and nature, a messenger who delivers messages both ways, as well as the voice of the spirit.

Anyone can come in the Fold of the Healing Process

So who can avail of the healing massage? There are no defined people. Anyone can approach the shaman who is stuck on the same issues in life. If you are someone who wants answers associated with your life’s journey then this massage is for you. You are connected to one of the spirits of the mountain, and you start with the process. The ritual is simple and rooted in common sense. This can of rituals provides you with the tools that you can utilize in your everyday life. So you just don’t heal, you go back to your world with renewed enthusiasm and vigor and are aware of the ways you can overcome them.

What makes these rituals so popular? Simple, the shamans are not there to judge you or your circumstances. Acting as the bridge between you and nature, the mountains and the spirit they help you. Helping you to achieve the highest potential of your being in this world during your lifetime. Well, the healing massage is not some kind of massage session. As stated earlier it is a kind of ritual. You sat during the ritual and expect a whole new emotional transfusion that is going to change your life. Moments that were subdued and were in your subconscious mind tend to emerge. Stretching over hours and even days, you are put into a ritual of a well-balanced life. When it happens you can experience electric shocks leading to shaking in the body, to puking. This detoxifies on a very deep level. For the change to happen in your life, you have to come up with proactive mental and physical choices. Whatever changes you are seeing in your life, there are signs from the universe, but it is only with the help of the healing massage that you will be able to decipher it.

Combination of Being Mystic and Practical

In most people mountain healing ritualis a reawakening in themselves. After they return to their world they can solve the issues and problems more authentically. Their life changes, not only because of the ritual but their energies and spirit are working in correlation to take the decision which they are unable to take before. People who have undergone such healing sessions can change their situation and thus lead a better life. However, you have to be mentally and physically prepared for the healing massage and stop making any excuses. Because the journey and the outcome depend upon your willingness to overcome it, no matter how taxing the rituals could be.

The energy that will help you Expel Negativity and then Heal

Energy sources could be emotional, spiritual, or even physical and some spirits support those energies. As a human being both you are creating it or destroying it, and that is how your circumstances changes. Well, Shamanism is about simplicity and spirituality and they identify the energy sources, affecting your life. They try to understand them, comprehend them, and connecting to the mountain spirits helps you change your belief system. This puts you back in your space of life and you have a clearer vision of how to overcome them or change your circumstances.

Walk into your Private Retreats

The ceremony involves a wide range of activities from drinking the hallucinatory brew under the guidance of the shamans, and then a long night to be spent amid nature. Ayahuasca private retreats are designed for you to help you in the process of healing. The retreat has been designed in such a way that you can heal amid nature, and discover a whole new thing about yourself.


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