In order to get the most out of the retreat, it can be extremely beneficial to have a regular meditation and/or yoga practice, to spend lots of time in nature and to eat as healthy and organic as possible. This can help calm the nervous system and create balance in the mind/body. If these practices are not already a part of your daily life, this preparation can begin days or even weeks ahead of the retreat start date – the sooner the better. (If for whatever reason, you cannot manage to prepare ahead of time, do not worry – it is not absolutely essential. But the physical preparation is crucial).
Ayahuasca has been reported to interact on some occasions with foods containing tyramine which is found mainly in aged cheeses, soy sauce, peanut butter and other fermented, aged, cured or pickled foods causing hypertension. Ayahuasca should be preceded by a diet of fresh fruits and vegetables or fasting to avoid any ill effects and to limit the discomfort of vomiting as well as no food except a light breakfast on the days of ceremony.
We recommend that you abstain from the following prior to, during and after your retreat:
Refined sugars, red meat, salt or pepper, candy or chocolate, oils, animal fats (lard), sodas, energy drinks, non-alcoholic beer, dairy produce, fermented foods, caffeine.
-If possible, replace synthetic/chemical-filled body products with organic ones.
– Chocolate
– Sugar and sweets
– All meat, fish and eggs which are not fresh
– Red meat
– Pork (please abstain for a minimum of a week before and after ceremony)
Dry and fermented sausage (bologna, salami, pepperoni, corned beef, and liver)
– Pickled herring and salted dried fish
– Meat extracts
– Chilies or other hot peppers
– Alcohol – You should abstain from drinking alcohol for a minimum of one week before
and after your ceremony
– Marihuana (Cannabis Sativa)
– Fizzy drinks (including “diet” sodas, as these contain NutraSweet/Aspartame and other
– Beer and non-alcoholic beer
– Caffeine drinks including coffee, cola, and energy drinks
– Ice, ice cream, or ice cold drinks.
-No prescription drugs during retreat if possible.
-Sexual activities of any kind, including masturbation
-Only if it’s possible try to use organic toiletries, stop the use of synthetic soaps,
perfumes, chemical toiletries, etc. But is not indispensable.
The mental body works in a different way than the ego body, the mental body is about CONTROL. In western societies it is very difficult for people to maintain a quiet mind or to try not to control everything, many people in western societies suffer from OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), the best you can do is NOTHING, when you start feeling the URGE TO HAVE CONTROL OVER SOMETHING JUST LET IT GO and wait until the feeling is gone, until what you have to do, does not stress you anymore. Let yourself be led by music, you can start practicing playing some relaxing music and lying on your bed, during ceremonies there will be songs that the shamans will sing and it is important you pay attention to them because they are making the energy move. Spend more time in nature, practice TO BE PRESENT in what you are doing, in what is happening around you.
Your emotional body is every emotion you are going through or you have been through, AYAHUASCA will work a lot in this body, while this happens just observe, sometimes waves of sadness or happiness want to pull us influencing what we are experiencing during the ceremony, if you can try to empty yourself from all emotions by breathing. What has happened in your past and is bringing emotion positives or negatives… let it flow, forgive others, forgive yourself, be grateful, be gentle with yourself, be kind with yourself, but do not lie to yourself by trying to run or avoid what you have to see, once you become aware about what is inside of you it is easier to bring change.
How you prepare the emotional body?
Drop any kind of expectation you have about the ceremony, remember YOU WILL RECEIVE WHAT YOU NEED, NOT WHAT YOU WANT. Having expectations can lead you to feel disappointed if your desires have not been fulfilled. You always have another chance to get where you want get, sometimes we need to pass through the test and in most cases it is just ourselves testing ourselves.
There are different practices that can help you to prepare, to bring your energy more in balance so you can go deep in your Ayahuasca process. Crystals and stones are good for alignment of the chakras.¡ Sound therapy is also very good to start cleaning the first layers of your being. Acupuncture is also fantastic to help you to start opening your channels. If you feel you have many blockages I recommend to have at least 3 sessions before the ceremony or event and you will get more benefit from your Ayahuasca experience as well.
Working with Inca energy healing is also advisable, the Andean Shamans can help with this too, They can reorganize your energy body field and cleanse heavy energies and prepare your body for the Ayahuasca ceremony.
Remember the most important thing is to have an open mind and an open heart.