We Are the Q’ero Incan Shamans

From the stars, where our grandfathers and grandmothers are, to the depths of the seas, those who connect us with the energy of Mama Serena and the Inca Huascar, from there we were born, we are children of Pachamama, Mother Earth, and that is why we are blessed by that, we have the ability to connect with everything that surrounds us, the great Altomisayoq’s Masters, our legacies, the Incas guided us along the path of light to continue lighting and guiding the path of all, we have not forgotten the Munay the Love nor the Yachay the Wisdom, Paq’o Pampamesayoq Claudio Quispe from the community of Q’eros Ayllu Quico tells us.

The History of the Inca Qeros Shamans (Paqos)

The Qero’s Masters or Inca Shamans are known as Paq’os, from the Heart of the Andes Mountains in Peru, South America, they are known as the heirs of Inca wisdom since they preserved for many years all the ancestral knowledge of the connection between man and nature. Earth and the cosmos, they live at 13,000 feet above sea level, the same one that helped their community preserve all the ancestral knowledge, lineages, traditions and Inca rituals ever more than 500 years.

For centuries the Q’eros Inca Shamans (Paqos) have lived secluded from the outside world, and they have been able to make themselves untraceable during the Spanish conquest. Thus, Qero or the Inca shamanism has been preserved in its pure, original form. The Qero Inca shamans (Paqos) can be male or female. There are different types of shamans, among which the shamans of Mother Earth, the so-called pampamesayoq, and the shamans of the spirits of the mountains, or the Altomesayoq. They call themselves paqos, priest healers.

The Shamans or Paqos Incas still preserve the ability to heal, connect and learn from everything that surrounds us, they talk to us about the unconscious and the subconscious where all the Information is stored for one day to wake up. They are considered the guardians of Inca wisdom as well as the land, and now more than ever they are ready to teach us their wisdom that has been passed from generation to generation since the time of the Inca Medicine Men.

Qeros Shamans preserve the inca medicine wisdom (photo: Walter Coraza)
Qeros Shamans preserve the inca medicine wisdom (photo: Walter Coraza)

The Inca shamanism is a natural medicine.

For the Qero Inca shamans everything consists of living energy “KAWSAY PACHA” directed by the cosmos and the earth, called Pachamama. These are the two main sources for them. The Qero Inca Shamans are masters in the practice of energetic healing. According to their tradition everything is connected. In their views illnesses and for instance traumas attach themselves to the energetic field around our bodies. By cleansing this energetic field recovery can be accomplished and an illness can be healed before it manifests in the body. The basic assumption is that an illness or a defect means a disruption of balance: within a person as well as in relation to other people and the world around us. Restoring this balance can result in the recovery of all kinds of ailments and one can live a full life.

Energy Healing, Pampamesayoq Inca Shaman
Energy Healing, Pampamesayoq Inca Shaman

The Wisdom Keepers , The Medicine Wheel

According to Inca wisdom everything was divided into two, three and four, it is said that the Inca state was called “TAWANTISUYO” the four lands of the Sun where the capital was the city of Cusco or “Qosqo” the center of the land and capital of the Inca State, a very sacred place, that is why the Qero Inca shamans divide the cosmos into three dimensional worlds, the Hanaq Pacha, the world above, Kay Pacha, the world in the center, and Ukhu Pacha, the world below, which in turn is all connected. in oneself. Likewise they see life in four:

four directions–north, south, east and west,
four elements–air (animals), water (plants), fire (humans) and earth (minerals)
four existences–mind, emotions, spirit, and body (respectively).

All this was captured in the understanding of the Chakana, you can learn more in our Inca shaman school.

Chakana: Four Direction, Peru Shamans
Chakana: The Four Directions, Peru Shamans

We Invite you to be part of this TARIPAY PACHA a time of Transformation

“The age in which we meet ourselves again’ according to the Q’ero Inca Shamans we are entering to a new edge of Love and Awakening This concept teaches the importance of maintaining harmony and balance with nature and understanding the interconnectedness of all living beings.

The Q’eros Inca shamans have started to initiate Western people in their knowledge and wisdom based on this prophecy that is why nowadays they have founded their own Inca shaman School . The prophecy concerns the year 2012 or as from the moment the ice caps started to melt in their mountains the Q’ero Inca shamans have left them. If this would happen it would be time for them to make their knowledge and wisdom known. This prophecy promises a golden age in which we as human beings can reach unknown levels of consciousness.

The Taripay Pacha reminds us to respect and honor the past, embrace the present, and be mindful of our actions as they shape the future. It is a powerful concept that encourages a holistic approach to life and offers valuable insights into the Inca or Andean worldview.


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